
The Poetographer's Plume

Poetographer (poh-i-tog-ruh-fer) n. – [Philos. Poet. Artist. PICTURE] 1. one who paints pictures with words, 2. a producer of visual schematics.

Nature's Words Of Art (The Poetographer's Prelude)

The Poetographer

When my pen hits the paper
I become an instrument of nature
Revealing from the canvas of my heart
Nature’s words of art
When my pen strokes the paper
There is no feeling greater
Than breathing life into words
That people hear but never heard

I’m the poetographer,
 I paint pictures with words
I’m the poetographer, translating love that’s unheard

When my pen hits the paper
Some think I’m the originator
But searching through myself I have found
That this love comes from beyond
When my pen strokes the paper
I feel the love of the Creator
Scripting out loves true master plan
Through the pen that’s in my hand

Loves the poetographer, Love paints pictures with words
Loves the poetographer, I translate love that’s unheard

When my pen hits the paper
Love takes over my nature
I become a vessel that it runs through
Portraying just what love will do
When my pen hits the paper
Transcribing loves poetic caper
I know not where it comes from
But what is written let it be done
I am The Poetographer

©2008 by Kenneth J Thompson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All Rights Reserved.


My mission is to excite the senses by expanding vocabularies and vernaculars through inspirational literature, poetry and song. Emotional intelligence is to be aroused and awakened through the power of words whereby extraordinary experiences emanate from the subconscious into consciousness creating awareness and fulfillment.

My vision is to create a world where illiteracy no longer exists so that people can express themselves, as well as create themselves into the grandest version of themselves.

My philosophy is to lovingly remind others, as well as myself, to remember how truly amazing we all are no matter what, so that our uniquely wondrous and beautiful natures are awaken to the limitless possibilities of our endless potentials.

Authenticity: We value the raw and authentic expression of emotions, acknowledging the power of vulnerability in crafting verses that resonate with the human experience.

Empathy: Our poetry is a vessel for empathy, inviting readers to step into the shoes of others, fostering a deep understanding of diverse perspectives and fostering connection.

Simplicity and Complexity: We appreciate the delicate balance between simplicity and complexity, recognizing that profound truths can be conveyed through both the stark simplicity of language and the intricate depths of layered meaning.

Sustainability of Beauty: We are committed to preserving and perpetuating the beauty of language, ensuring that each poem not only captures the essence of the present but also stands the test of time.

Inclusivity: Our poetry embraces inclusivity, celebrating the mosaic of identities and experiences that make up the human story. We strive to create verses that resonate with a broad and diverse audience.

Continuous Growth: We believe in the perpetual growth of the poet, acknowledging that mastery of the craft is a journey rather than a destination. We are committed to honing our skills, exploring new forms, and evolving as stewards of language and emotion.


My mission is to excite the senses by expanding vocabularies and vernaculars through inspirational literature, poetry and song. Emotional intelligence is to be aroused and awakened through the power of words whereby extraordinary experiences emanate from the subconscious into consciousness creating awareness and fulfillment.

My vision is to create a world where illiteracy no longer exists so that people can express themselves, as well as create themselves into the grandest version of themselves.

My philosophy is to lovingly remind others, as well as myself, to remember how truly amazing we all are no matter what, so that our uniquely wondrous and beautiful natures are awaken to the limitless possibilities of our endless potentials.

It has been said that Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and that thought has found its words, and what poetry has done for me is provide an outlet of expression of whatever I may be feeling in a given moment.  Thus, poetry has allowed me to express my emotions figuratively and literally.

Hi, friends I am Kenneth J, The Poetographer and author of Heartprints: book 1 and 2. As someone who loves to write, Poetry has given me the ability to express feelings in the grandest way that could not have been said or expressed in any other way. Poetry has truly been my outlet in life. Coming from a generation where kids were seen and not heard helped me to hone into the feelings that were recorded on my heart. In releasing my feelings through a pen unto paper I transcribed love to the universe, and have found myself comforted with the compassion, affection, and understanding of a universe whose only desire is to commune with us. With that said it is my heart’s desire to employ my feelings with expressions of love through the power of words to evoke a response of love from the universe.

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.

~Zig Ziglar

Heartprints: Book1

Heartprints: Book1 : qdbqlwjfhbcsjcb;ksdjbckjsdbncjksbjclfmihkzhirulzqfer r

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When my pen hits the paperI become an instrument of natureRevealing from the canvas of my heart Nature’s words of art. When my

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~ Alice Walker

Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness.

~ Alice Walker — American Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet, and Social Activist

~ Edgar Allen Poe

I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty.

~ Edgar Allen Poe — American writer, Editor, and Literary Critic

Lorena Biggs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Culpa, eum, similique, est esse magnam molestias aspernatur reprehenderit laudantium necessitatibus porro ipsum unde itaque ducimus!

Lorena Biggs — client for over 3 years


  • 2007

    Heartprints:Book 1

    A Spiritual Being's Human Experience

    Consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer commodo tristique odio, quis fringilla ligula aliquet ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit tristique odio, quis fringilla ligula aliquet ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipiscing elit. Integer commodo tristique odio, quis fringilla ligula aliquet ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit tristique odiot.

  • 2012

    Heartprints:Book 1


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Greater Marietta


Greater Atlanta
Phone: 770-5957130
E-Mail: thepoetographer@gmail.com

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